Monday, January 23, 2006

New Church Home

Yesterday, Lucy and I joined a new church. Since we got to El Paso, we've been pretty certain that this was where we were called to be, but wanted to wait (and pray) to make sure before we officially joined. It's a small, but growing church and with all the new construction in this small town (we actually live in Horizon City--on the edge of El Paso) I see great growth in the future for this church. I'm not sure exactly how/where God will use me in this church, but I know He does have a plan.

Actually, my first project was to design and publish a website for the church. This is not really my area of expertise (actually, I don't know if I have an area of expertise), but I just finished the initial site, but will continue to find ways to make it better. If you'd like to check out our website you can find it at:

Everything else is going good here. Lucy and I have both had and gotten over the flu, but Lucy's allergies are really gone and that is a true blessing. She had many allergies in Tallahassee but two of the main things were the trees and the weather (especially rain). Well, we don't really have trees here in the desert and it hasn't rained in El Paso since September 21st! That means, we haven't seen rain since we left Tallahassee. El Paso does average about 8 inches of rain a year (which isn't much), but I think it all comes in a 2-month period in the summer.

I still miss a lot about Tallahassee--especially our friends. I haven't found any golfing buddies yet and haven't played a single round of golf since leaving Tallahassee. Since I was playing at least twice a week there, I've already saved over $300 on golf in two months!

As you can see, my life isn't as exciting as most of yours, but I thought it was time to blog again so you would know that I was still alive. I actually wasn't feeling too guily since I noticed that Diane hasn't blogged since November 28th. Anyway, that's about it for now.


At 10:59 PM, Blogger Calyn said...

Mr. Jim, that looks GREAT! I'm so impressed. I mean, not that I didn't think you could do it or anything. We're all still in awe that you know how to use a green screen. I'm pretty sure all of us on the drama team are convinced there is nothing that you can't do. We really wish you were here. Todd's doing a great job being our technology expert, but I think we're all missing you. We're going to try to video our drama, so we'll send it to you somehow. Who wants to miss seeing Christian walking around a school holiday in neon clothes with a boom box the size of a small planet? I'm sure you don't want to miss it.

At 11:02 PM, Blogger Calyn said...

Why the heck did I write "holiday" after school? I think I meant to write "halls." But I didn't want to delete it because then it would say "This post was deleted by the author" and you would forever be wondering what it said. Whether it was that I confessed my undying love to Kenley Stringer, or if I'd finally decided to buy a Vera Bradley bag, or if I'd finally figured out why we park in driveways and drive on parkways. Nah. I'm sure you're smarter than to think that.

At 11:09 PM, Blogger Jim said...

Calyn, I'd love to have a copy of the your drama. I just hope you're not lighting matches or playing with fire this time.

At 9:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jim. I just found your blog spot once again. Glad you found a church home in El Paso. Where did you learn to do websites? How are you occupying your time without golfing twice a week? We sure miss you and Lucy around Northwoods. Please give our regards to Lucy and the cats!

At 9:32 AM, Blogger Jim said...

Hyatt, I actually learned web design myself, but it doesn't hurt having good software (Microsoft FrontPage) so I don't have to do any coding.

As far as occupying my time, I haven't really found much so I'm pretty bored. Of course, there are always things to do (little projects) for a while when you move into a new house. The other thing is that we knew absolutely no one in El Paso when we moved here so we're still in the process of meeting people and making friends. That will lead to more things to do. BTW, I'm not complaining (except that I miss you all).


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