Sunday, April 30, 2006

New Website

I know, it's been forever since I've posted. But I have been keeping fairly busy. I have just started a new personal website and you are invited to check it out at Much of it is still under construction, but make sure you visit the page for Stanle,one of our cats (from the "cats" page, click on Stanley's picture). I've been playing with some new software that animates still pictures to make people, objects, pictures, etc appear to talk. It really is pretty amazing. So, listen to what Stanley has to say.

So, what else has been going on? On April 1st, Lucy and I went with a group from our church on a 1-day mission trip to Provenir, Mexico to paint and do repairs for a new children's home that will be opening. We had a great time and expect to continue working with that facility. I also did pick up the Student Sunday School class and am truly blessed to be able to work with youth again. In addition, I'm leading a men's Bible study at our monthly men's breakfast. The summer promises to keep me busy with VBS and then youth camp. But before that, I still have my trip to Guatemala coming up in just over 2 weeks. I'm really excited about that and being able to see Nancy (the missionary) again and also Cindy Ham who will be arriving the day before me and meeting me at the airport.

Golf update: Lucy is still progressing on learning golf and we've even gotten on the golf course (as opposed to the driving/practice range) and played 9 holes 3 times. She's been sick the past 2 weeks and we haven't been able to play/practice so I hope we won't have to start over from scratch. I think the Lord knows that patience is not my strong point and He is surely testing me. All kidding aside, we are having a great time.

I will ask for you all to pray for my safe travel/trip to Guatemala between May 18-26. God Bless You all.


At 10:39 AM, Blogger Calyn said...

Wow, Mr. Jim, that is an amazing website. Stanley is quite the talker. I like the name Stanley. You know, Todd's stapler that we kidnapped is named Stanley. It's written right on the base of it. Until Todd pays the ransom Stanley will continue to live with me. Todd says he refuses to negotiate with terrorists. Whatever.
That's so cool that you can make websites like that, though.
Have a GREAT time in Guatemala. I'll be praying for you.

At 11:14 AM, Blogger Jim said...

Calyn, to understand the name Stanley for our cat you might have to be a little older than you are. We got him and his sister, Olivia, from the animal shelter when they were 6 weeks old. They were really playful and funny so we named them for the comedy team, Laurel and Hardy (Stan and Ollie), hence Stanley and Olivia.


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